Rail Data Marketplace — what’s it good for?

The Rail Data Marketplace is officially still in beta release but is now starting to gain a little traction, and there is already some useful data on there that is not available anywhere else. I thought it was worth taking a look in detail, since there has not really been much publicity aimed specifically at … Continue reading “Rail Data Marketplace — what’s it good for?”

Introducing our APIs!

Just keeping people up-to date with what we are currently working on at BR Fares. I wanted to write about our APIs, which we launched several months ago. See link below: https://www.brfares.com/api/ Why we chose to sell APIs? We chose to start selling our APIs because we saw a need to provide better quality and … Continue reading “Introducing our APIs!”

Bristol Area Pay-as-you-go Scheme – the first serious attempt at fares reform?

While seemingly everyone has been busily debating the amount of discount that the long-hyped (but yet to appear) new flexible carnet fares might provide, something much more radical is about to happen in the Bristol area from 16 May. Great Western Railway (GWR)’s direct franchise award with the Department for Transport (DfT) from 29 March … Continue reading “Bristol Area Pay-as-you-go Scheme – the first serious attempt at fares reform?”

On-train Catering – could it be better advertised?

Availability and Prominence of information on train catering Does it affect your journey decisions? On-train catering on scheduled train services in Great Britain can be superb, really a reason to make the effort to choose to travel on a particular train operator (TOC) or train. For example, a while back I needed to travel from … Continue reading “On-train Catering – could it be better advertised?”